Interview in a periodical journal

Dlouhá cesta výzkumu „šedých zón“ do povědomí norské společnosti. Rozhovor s Hansem Otto Frølandem o potřebě širšího pohledu na druhou světovou válku [The long journey of “grey zones” research into the consciousness of Norwegian society: Interview with Hans Otto Frøland on the heroic narrative and more complex interpretation of World War II], Dějiny a současnost, XLVI (2024), No. 6, pp 43–45

The historical interpretation of Norway’s situation during World War II evolved through various phases, with some revisionist perspectives initially encountering resistance from society, taking years to gain acceptance. This interview with Hans Otto Frøland delves deeper into this issue: “… It is important that the overall view of the situation is broader, to include not only heroes and losers, but also all those who functioned among the resistance and collaborators. The Norwegian post-war narrative, for example, also omitted the role of the Soviet Union, which liberated Norway’s northern regions.” And how does Norwegian society react to the results of historical research? Is there a general acceptance or questioning? “The short answer is that there is no organised opposition to critical acceptance today. But it has been a long road. Today, say, a story from a universal perspective, significantly focused on human rights issues, and research on grey areas exist side by side.